This year I decided to blog about 9 colors of Navratri. But I was unable to do justice to the theme because of n number of reasons. I had to work extra in the office and had some domestic duties that needed urgent attention and so on. For whatever reasons, I failed.
Wise people always say, first do, then tell. I think I should have blogged first and then bragged about it. A lesson is learnt.
While I was browsing the Net, an expression caught my attention. “Insha'Allah” is a phrase which is used when we are saying something that we will do in the future. It means “God willing”. This simple expression has a deep meaning. We should never say I will do this, I will do that. We must say Insha'Allah before that. If we boast we will not be able to it. I think the English proverb ‘Man proposes; God disposes’ means a similar thing.
I was unsuccessful this year. But I am not giving up. Insha'Allah I will attempt this project again next year.
Read more about Insha'Allah here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insha
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