Thursday, July 15, 2010

Is it just me or . . . . ?

Last week I bought these soup bowls and spoons. They have beautiful designs on them. I just loved them. They were sitting there waiting to be used. Yesterday it was raining. All three of us were down with cough and cold. So I decided to make some comforting soup. I thought I will serve it in my new soup set. But then how could I? They were all decked with n number of stickers. And taking out those labels which are stuck to them takes lots of effort.
So that is my question to you. Do you all find it tough to take out those labels? Or you have a trick? I usually soak them in water overnight and then paper comes out easily but that sticky thing. Oh it’s really difficult to clean that. I have scratched so many utensils while doing so.

Labels - yes they are hard to remove. Be them on a thing or a person. And if we try to remove them, some scratches stay behind forever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

लेबल काढण्यासाठी मायक्रोवेव्ह मधे नुसतं भांडं गरम करा.. लेबल हाताने निघून येईल.